
Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week 9: Cloud Computing

Oh, the mighty cloud... We hear the term "cloud" tossed around in so many different ways. It can confuse and even frighten some people. Really all it is, is using the Internet to access a virtualized version of computing resources that allow you to complete a certain task. Instead of using "local" or physical computing resources to do the work, you rely on someone else to do that portion for you and then you can access it anywhere that you have an Internet connection. Of course, it's more complex than that, but I think that's a relatively simple way of explaining it.

Personally, I still prefer local computing as compared to cloud computing. I'm a pretty tech-savvy person and have built multiple custom computers/servers. I feel that I am able to get far superior performance and reliability out of my local resources. Sure there are some cloud computing services that would allow me to rent cloud resources that have extremely high performance, but those typically cost a lot of money. Also, I love having the ability to modify the configuration of my local computing resources as needed. Subsequently, I have spent some time in my professional life designing and deploying cloud computing in order to deliver parts of our virtual infrastructure, a section of our fiber-optic network, and some application servers.

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